A live chat is one of the several methods of communication supplied by some hosting companies as part of their support services. Depending on the company, the chat is used for pre-sales, billing and/or tech support. This method of communication is faster than a support ticket and it makes it less likely to misunderstand or misspell anything compared to a call with a representative. Furthermore, when the trouble that you experience requires some time to be reviewed and resolved, you can do something else meanwhile instead of just waiting, as you would have to do if you call. Also, you can employ a live chat assistance service free of charge as long as you have world wide web access even if your hosting provider is situated in a different country and they do not have a local phone number you can call.

Live Chat Support in Shared Web Hosting

As a part of the support services that we supply for all of our Linux shared web hosting, we now have live chat support that is online every day, even on holidays. You're able to contact us no matter if you already own an account or not, as we will support you with all kinds of things, ranging from providing you with common info about our solutions in case you are not a client yet and you're thinking about ordering one of the plans, to assisting you with setting up an email account in an e-mail client. Part of the issues are more complex and time-consuming, therefore you will need to take advantage of the ticketing system that is integrated in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, but we can save you time and help you in real time on our live chat for various things.

Live Chat Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

Using the live chat support service that we supply with our Linux semi-dedicated hosting plans, you'll be able to get the answers for any questions you have or get numerous troubles dealt with right away. The service is online each and every day, so that you are able to talk to a representative even on holidays and weekends. If you are unsure which plan would be better for your sites or if our advanced cloud hosting platform matches some system requirements, you can join the live chat before buying anything. If you're an existing customer, you'll be able to receive more info about billing issues, account settings as well as a number of common tech problems you may have, for example in case you cannot set up an email account in a client on your computer system. The live chat can save you considerable time regardless where you are or when you get in touch with us.